Saturday, June 26, 2010


I love shirts! There are so many neat and cool shirts, you just never know which ones to pick! There are funny shirts, sad shirts, colorful shirts, plain shirts, long sleeve shirts, etc. I personally like the funny ones. You could walk through a grocery store and just start laughing at somebody's shirt. Shirts also say a lot about you, like what mood your in. If you're in sweats, you're either in a comfy mood, or an active mood. If your wearing a dark shirt, you are in a dark mood, or a colorful shirt if you are happy. If your all comedy one day, why not wear a funny shirt? There's definitely plenty of them! So take advantage of your shirts.


  1. I like colorful t-shirts! They make me happy.

  2. I have a lot of shirts, and I love them all! I should start taking advantage of what I have, like shirts!

  3. I'm always in a happy mood, but my mom buys me dark clothing. I should have a talk with her!

  4. Unfortunately, boys clothing doesn't have as much variety as girls. Consider yourselves lucky, ladies! I do find ways to express myself, though, thankfully.

  5. I like tie-die shirts. They can express happiness, confusion, or that your just out there, like I usually am!

  6. I dress up my toy poodle in all kinds of shirts! She loves them. Her name is Dainty! Her favorite shirt is one with an attached tutu! She just looks soo cute in it!

  7. I only have six different shirts. Is that a bad thing? I'm not really into fashion, actually I'm not even sure why I'm looking at this blog since there's a lot of fashion stuff. Especially converse, and I can't afford that.

  8. Do you guys like Baskin Robbins? I have a Baskin Robbins t-shirt, and I wear it alll the time, cause, like, I love Baskin Robbins!!!

  9. Go Team Shirts!!! There are a lot of comments, and you all stole my ideas, so I really have nothing to say. Bye!

  10. Fashion Triple ThreatDecember 22, 2010 at 6:13 PM

    Awww, thanks guys! You should get on more often, we love hearing your comments, you should follow us!!
